Get more Sales using the correct gaze type in your ads

Acc. to a 2021 research, your ads' models' gaze impact your sales depending on your product type


Depending on your product type: Utilitarian vs Hedonistic, your ads’ models’ should be have a certain gaze so that your ads influence better and you get more sales.

The two types of gaze are: Looking at the viewer vs Looking away.

Seems like a small difference but the researchers beg to differ.

Key takeaway

If your product is mostly used for hedonistic pleasure: Sunglasses, chocolates, massagers, etc, your ad models should be looking away.

But if you sell thats mostly used for utility: A tiffinbox, whiteboard, Charging cable etc, your ads’ models should look at the viewer.

Usually products fall on a spectrum with hedonism on one end and utility on the other.

If you wanna figure out if your product is more hedonic or utilitarian, then just think about if they feel any kind of pleasurable emotions while using it. Using our earlier examples: Sunglasses (feeling cool and fashionable), Chocolates (Pleasure from eating something sweet), Massager (Intense relexation)

Key Research Findings

  • an online ad for a sun hat garnered 30% more sales when the model was looking away from the camera as opposed to when it was looking directly at it

  • An ad for watch was rated 19% better when the model was looking away by research participants.

Underlying cause

When the model is looking away, the viewer is able to imagine themselves using the product as opposed to when the model is looking at them.

When the model is looking at them, this signals to the brain thats its a separate person whereas such signals arent that strong with an averted gaze.

Putting this to use

  • If you want to emotionally appeal to your customers, have your models look away from the camera.

  • If you want to talk about the utilitarian value of your product, have your models look at the camera.

The research Paper